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Honouring Elizabeth Heyrick and inspiring generations

The campaign for a permanent, public memorial.

A photograph of a man and a young boy looking at one another happily.An illustration of a radiating heart icon.An image of a dove carrying an olive branch, representing peace.

In recent years, there have been multiple allegations of modern slavery within Leicester's garment industry. This is a critical moment to acknowledge Elizabeth Heyrick's accomplishments and take a firm stand against slavery. Now is the time to remember her commitment to justice and compassion.

Remembering the past

Despite her many ground-breaking achievements and pivotal role in the abolitionist movement, Elizabeth Heyrick's memory has been severely neglected by society – there are no monuments and few people from her home city of Leicester would know her name.

By commemorating Heyrick's fearless advocacy with a permanent public memorial in Leicester, we honour her achievements and leave a lasting impact on our community.

An image of two children of the future generation looking at historical artifacts.
A public memorial

Inspiring the future

Memorials, in general, are raised to reflect the ethics and morals valued by the city. As a pioneering abolitionist whose unwavering commitment to immediate emancipation left an indelible mark on history, Heyrick's legacy serves as a powerful symbol of hope, progress and unity for all. Become a part of the movement by lending your support.

Increased awareness

A permanent public memorial will raise awareness about Elizabeth Heyrick's pivotal role in the abolitionist movement, ensuring that her contributions are recognised and celebrated by a wider audience.

Rebalancing the urban landscape

Of the eight statues of named individuals in Leicester, only two are of women. By commemorating Heyrick with a memorial in her hometown, we aim to rebalance the urban landscape and provide representation for influential women who have historically been overlooked.

Community empowerment

The memorial will serve as a source of inspiration and a reminder of the power of courage, determination, and activism in the fight for justice and equality. The community will have the opportunity to actively participate in the creation of the memorial, fostering a sense of ownership and pride.

“Truth and justice make their best way in the world, when they appear in bold and simple majesty; their demands are most willingly conceded when they are most fearlessly claimed.”

Elizabeth Heyrick, Immediate, Not Gradual Abolition
Creating the memorial

From concept to unveiling

Concept development

We will collaborate with artists and stakeholders to develop a concept that embodies Elizabeth Heyrick's legacy and aligns with the community's vision.

Artist selection

We will facilitate a transparent and inclusive process to select the artist or design team who will bring the concept to life, ensuring diverse representation and expertise.

Material choices

We will explore sustainable and meaningful material options that reflect the spirit of the memorial and resonate with the community, considering durability, aesthetics, and cultural significance.

Community involvement

We will engage the community throughout the project, seeking input and feedback to ensure that the memorial reflects the values and aspirations of the people it serves.

Supporting the memorial

Fundraising and sponsorship opportunities

At the Elizabeth Heyrick Society, we rely on the generous support of our community to bring the memorial to life. Your contributions play a crucial role in funding the construction and maintenance of the memorial, ensuring that Elizabeth Heyrick's legacy is honored for generations to come. There are several ways you can get involved and make a difference:

Donation opportunities

Consider making a financial contribution to support the construction and maintenance of the memorial. Every donation, no matter the size, helps us take one step closer to our goal.

Make your donation

Sponsorship options

Get in touch to discuss sponsorship opportunities for individuals, businesses, or organisations interested in making a significant impact on the project. Sponsorship packages may include recognition in signage, promotional materials, or events associated with the memorial.

Contact us

Volunteering opportunities

Get involved in fundraising initiatives and events organised by the Elizabeth Heyrick Society. From charity auctions to community fundraisers, there are plenty of opportunities to support the project while having fun and connecting with others who share your passion for honouring Elizabeth Heyrick's legacy.

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Sponsorship support
Make a difference with your contribution.
Recognition on our website
Recognition in our marketing materials
Logo placement on our website
Invitations to special events
Promotion at our events
Exclusive updates
Opportunities for employee engagement
Networking with other sponsors
Volunteer at our events
Spread the word on social media
Get in touch
Elizabeth Heyrick played a pivotal role in British anti-slavery debates, and understanding her life and work will illuminate the gender, imperial, and cultural history of nineteenth-century Britain.”
Professor Richard Huzzey
Professor Richard Huzzey
Durham University

Unleash the Heyrick in you

Embrace your power to shape a world of equality and justice. Support our campaign to create a lasting memorial that inspires future generations.


Find answers to common questions about the memorial, its purpose, and how you can contribute.

Where will the memorial be located in Leicester?

We are currently working with Senior Officials at the Leicester City Council to find the most appropriate location.

Who selects the artist?

We are exploring options, including a public ballot. Rest assured, we will have robust processes in place to ensure a fair and meritocratic process.

Will local artists and material suppliers be given preference?

We will encourage local artists and material suppliers to submit proposals. We may not unduly favour any set of artists, as we want to ensure a fair and open process.

What is your stance on sustainability and how will you ensure you limit your carbon footprint?

Given the international nature of our work, we have committed to reducing our carbon emissions by meeting online and only meeting in-person at key events. We are also exploring sustainable design options for the public memorial.

How will my donation be used?

Your donation will be critical in not only funding the public memorial, but also providing educational material for young people. It will have a tangible, long-lasting impact.

Still have questions?

Contact us for more information.